Here's just a sampling of current & past projects that Renew Rockland has worked on:
Volunteers working on at the MacDougal Community Garden during its first year.
Rockland Community Farm Project
The goal of this project can be summed up simply: grow more food locally. The motivation behind its start-up was out of concern about our local food insecurity, and the rising pressures on our food supply due to changes in our climate. There are many small projects that start up but after a few years may shutdown or fizzle out due to change in leadership or funding. The goal of the Rockland Community Farm Project is to act as an umbrella organization that can better connect local food growing projects to provide support, communication and facilitate shared resources. Current growing projects are: the MacDougal Community Garden and the South School Community Garden. Find out more here.
Waste Watchers volunteers conducting a “trash audit.”
Waste Watchers
Waste Watchers volunteers are interested in the many facets of our waste stream—reducing, recycling, composting, and more! This working group came together out of a recognized need to better connect concerned residents with our municipal waste management programs to understand the challenges and help contribute to solutions. Since its founding, this group has helped to organize talks, compost demos, conducted trash audits, and assisted with policy recommendations. They meet regular and work closely with City Public Services staff.
A free bike check-up at our Farmer’s Market, sponsored by our local bike shop: Side Country Sports.
Rockland Rolls
While Rockland Rolls is one of our newest groups to be formalized, Renew Rockland has been working on and advocating for cycling issues since our founding. Advocacy, event organizing, educating and policy development are the main focuses of this working group.
Past projects:
One of the first projects Renew Rockland worked on, back in 2015, was to organize efforts to educate the public and council regarding environmental & safety concerns surrounding a proposed gas-fired power plant to be located at our City Hall property
Renew Rockland organized public forums as part of educational efforts, inviting outside experts to answer public questions on issues of energy and waste reduction
Renew Rockland board members are actively involved as volunteers at the city-level and so better able to understand policy, implications and how to best advocate for sustainable approaches to our city management.POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS
Renew Rockland volunteers have assisted City Council with policy research as well as made recommendations regarding energy production, waste management decisions, single-use bag policy, bike lane inclusion, cycling/vehicular signage, and more.
Renew Rockland has organized community potlucks, small talks, large forums, and partnered with other organizations to help facilitate larger events, such as Bike Maine’s overnight stay in Rockland, hosting bikers on their ride, and been asked by the City to help facilitate public presentations regarding policy questions.